Minutes of meeting held at “The Mews”
November 18th 2013 at 7:30pm
1. Record of Attendance:
Mr. S. Mailey
Ms. J. Millington
Mr. S. Saunders
Mr. S. Tanascev
Ms. J. Armstrong
2. Proxies:
3. Apologies for Absence:
4. Quorum:
A Quorum was Present with all council members in attendance
5. Chairperson
It was unanimously RESOLVED that Mr. Mailey be appointed to the chair or the duration of the meeting.
6. Appointment of Office Bearers:
It was RESOLVED that the following office bearers be appointed:
Chairman: Mr. S. Mailey (nom by J. Millington)
Secretary: Mr. S. Mailey (nom by J. Armstrong)
Treasurer: Mr. S. Saunders (nom by S. Tanascev)
7. Business Arising:
a) Strata Management Agreement: An electronic copy of the Management Agreement was distributed to council members after the AGM last week to allow council time to read the agreement. It was unanimously RESOLVED that the agreement be accepted as outlined.
b) Secretary to approve limited expenditure without council approval: Mr. Mailey explained to the council the need for the secretary to be able to approve small maintenance items (up to the value of $600) similar to the way a caretaker would operate. It was unanimously RESOLVED that the secretary be granted the power to spend up to $600 without council approval on the condition that the secretary inform all council members of such spending via email.
c) Pool Area: Mr. Mailey discussed the quotations for the pool area works and recommended that the quotation from “Karl the Brickie” be accepted. It was unanimously RESOLVED that the quotation be accepted as presented. Mr. Mailey then explained the need for some shade in the pool area and advised the council had previously sought quotations for the installation of a shade sail. Mr. Mailey agreed to distribute quotations to the council members and discuss the item further at a later date.
d) Letterbox Replacement: Mr. Mailey discussed the planned letterbox replacement works, and advised that there would be landscaping needed prior to the installation to allow easy access to the rear of the new mailboxes.
e) Gardening works: Council discussed the need to plant in the South end of the front resident car park, and also complete the planting against the Charles St fence line in front of U18. It was unanimously RESOLVED that the gardening contractor be instructed to plant the two areas discussed with the same plants that currently exist on the Charles St fence line.
f) Visitor car park barrier replacement: Mr. Mailey discussed the need to replace several sections of the pine barriers in the visitor car park that have been damaged by cars. Council discussed the matter and concluded that the barriers need to be higher to improve visibility. It was unanimously RESOLVED that the sections of damaged barrier be replaced with new taller pine barriers.
g) ATCO gas works: Mr. Mailey advised that ATCO Gas had been in contact with the strata company earlier in the year and had advised they would be replacing the gas piping from the street to all gas meters within the complex. Mr. Mailey commented that this was a very large and disruptive job, noted that ATCO would be funding these works, and advised that ATCO had not made contact in at least three months.
h) Wireless Internet: Mr. Mailey discussed the possibility of running a proof of concept project to provide wireless internet access to all units in the complex and discussed the cost benefits of doing this for the whole complex rather that each occupant paying for their own access. Council discussed the matter and will discuss further at a future council meeting when more information is available.
i) U37 – Request to install blind on balcony: Council discussed the request and noted that the standard that has been set by previous installations was beige non-solid blinds. It was unanimously RESOLVED that council send formal notification to U37 advising that they may not install a clear blind, however they may request a blind similar to that on U23 and U31. It was also noted that the U37 owner should be instructed not to make any changes until a plan with specifications of the proposed blind be presented to council for approval.
8. Business Arising from the Annual General Meeting
a) Improving Communication with Residents (U40): Council discussed options with regard to improving communications and feedback from residents. It was RESOLVED that council speak to a printing company and create a fridge magnet to distribute to owners and residents with contact information and an explanation that any issues with the building need to be reported so they can be addressed.
b) Pruning of shrubs (U31): Mr. Blaszczyk commented at the AGM that the gardens were not being pruned adequately and that the height plants are pruned to needed to be lowered. Council discussed the possibility of pruning shrubs around the complex to a lower height, and concluded that the gardening contractor was pruning shrubs to a satisfactory level. It was unanimously RESOLVED that the current level of pruning was acceptable and no additional action be taken.
c) Lighting to strong (U31): Mr. Blaszczyk commented at the AGM that the lighting was too strong and suggested removing 50% of the lights around the complex. Council discussed the possibility of removing lights to save energy and concluded the current amount of light was necessary and removing any lighting would pose a safety risk. It was unanimously RESOLVED that the current level of lighting was required and that no further action be taken. Mr. Mailey commented that the power use on lighting has reduced considerably over the last 3 years due to replacement of sections of lighting with newer more efficient lighting. (Power usage: /power)
d) Pool dirty (U18): Mr. Blaszczyk commented at the AGM that the pool was dirty and unclean. Council discussed the matter and agreed that with the exception of the paving surrounding the pool, the pool was in a good condition. It was unanimously RESOLVED that the pool was in good working order and no further actions was necessary. Mr. Mailey noted that Mr. Blaszczyk has on many occasions stated he has never used the pool and has also made many requests to have it closed.
e) Reduce frequency of gardening services (U31): Mr. Blaszczyk commented at the AGM that the gardening services were being performed too often and should be reduced to every 6-8 weeks. Council discussed the matter and concluded that reducing the frequency of servicing on the property would have a negative effect on the lawns and gardens. It was unanimously RESOLVED that the current gardening schedule was effective and no further action would be taken.
f) Recycling bins – condition of area (u13): Mr. Tanascev commented at the AGM that the condition of the recycling bin area was very bad due to residents dumping rubbish in these areas. Council discussed the matter and concluded the best way to deal with the issue was to install surveillance cameras in the recycling areas to catch people dumping rubbish so they can be informed of their mistakes. It was unanimously RESOLVED that council obtain quotations for surveillance equipment and signage to be installed in the area.
9. Next Meeting
The details of the next meeting will be advised, however council confirmed this meeting will be held no later than February 2014.
10. Closure
There being no further business the meeting closed at 9:30 pm.