The Mews Council of Owners
147 Charles Street
West Perth
Minutes of meeting held on June 1st 2016 commencing at 18:00
(at “The Mews” 147 Charles Street West Perth)
Record of Attendance:
- Mr S. Mailey
- Ms S. Saunders
- Ms D. Hawkins
Apologies for Absence:
- A Quorum was Present with 75% of council members in attendance.
General Business:
Unit 8/26 water leak
- Mr Mailey advised a water leak had occurred in Unit 8, with the water originating from U26.
- Mr Mailey advised Wembley Plumbing had attended and had advised that the tiling in the U26 shower needed to be professionally re-sealed.
- Mr Mailey advised the owners and property manager had been contacted however there has been no official response at the time the meeting was held.
Line Marking in Visitor Parking Area.
- Mr Mailey advised that the line marking in the visitor parking area had been completed.
- Mr Mailey advised that bays had been adjusted to move vehicles away from the vehicle gates to avoid damage and to allow for a walkway to the pedestrian entry gate.
- Mr Mailey advised that the movement of bays had reduced the bays by 1, however the overall visitor parking bays had increased by 1 when including the two new bays added by removing the old bin areas.
Clothes drying area upgrade (front driveway)
- Mr Mailey advised the amount of funds needed required an AGM/EGM approval and proposed that the matter be put on hold pending the AGM in November.
- A discussion was held and it was unanimously agreed to postpone the item for approval at the next AGM.
Boundary fence replacement (161 Charles)
- Mr Mailey advised there had been no further communication from the property manager representing 161 Charles Street
Upgrade of bin area in visitor carpark.
- Mr Mailey advised that paving quotations have been received, however curbing required maintenance or replacement before hte paving could start as the area is uneven.
- It was agreed the matter would be discussed at a future meeting
- Mr Mailey spoke about the funds required to install a core security network to allow for cameras and controls, and confirmed an amount of $3500 would be required to construct this network.
- The item was put to a vote and was approved will all present voting in favour.
- There being no further business the meeting closed at 19:00.