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PostPosted: Fri Feb 01, 2019 5:31 pm 
Site Admin

Joined: Tue Jan 06, 2009 5:53 pm
Posts: 2709
Another development application has been submitted to the JDAP.

The developer has again failed to engage the local community at all and are again asking for many of the R codes to be relaxed or removed. This is very disappointing given a number of us requested community consultation.

The Plans are available here:

The City of Vincent is running a consultation, further information is available here: ... west-perth

We are currently reviewing the application and will provide further information and our recommendations over the next few days.

File comment: Community Consultation Information & Submission Form
Florence-S-14-(06)-C.pdf [169.83 KiB]
Downloaded 612 times
PostPosted: Sun Feb 17, 2019 10:03 am 
Site Admin

Joined: Tue Jan 06, 2009 5:53 pm
Posts: 2709

A developer has made a second application to the Department of Planning to develop the land at 14 Florence Street (directly to the north of our complex).

The developer is again requesting that many of the Residential Design Codes be ignored to allow more/larger units to be constructed so they can maximise their profits. Unfortunately this will have a negative impact on our complex, the surrounding area and will set a precedent that could allow future developments to follow.

Please let us know you support us by:
  • Reply to our email and let us know you support our objections (a simple "yes" is all we need).
  • Go to the City of Vincent website and enter your objection on the website (please let us know if you have done this).
  • Signing the attached form and scanning/emailing or posting this to us (just print and sign the first page).

CoV Feedback Page: ... west-perth
- Serial Number is : 5.2018.481.1
- Contact Officer is : Kate Miller

The Plans are available here:

File comment: Application details & feedback form
Florence-S-14-(06)-C.pdf [169.83 KiB]
Downloaded 584 times
File comment: Building Plans (reduced size)
20181210_FlorenceSt.pdf [4.43 MiB]
Downloaded 575 times
PostPosted: Sun Feb 17, 2019 2:24 pm 
Site Admin

Joined: Tue Jan 06, 2009 5:53 pm
Posts: 2709
The developer is asking for the following:

Lot Boundary Setbacks:
- Southern Boundary: Setback of 0.85m where the RDC dictates 3.0m (only 28% of the minimum requirement)
- Western Boundary: Setback of 1.0m where the RDC dictates 1.3m (only 75% of the minimum requirement)

Building Height:
- Lot 271, Unit F proposes a concealed roof of 7.3m where the RDC dictates a maximum of 7m (5% more than allowed)
- Lot 7, Unit A (low side) of 6.27m where the RDC dictates a maximum of 6.0m (5% more than allowed)
- Lot 7, Unit B (low/high) of 6.47/7.07m where the RDC dictates a maximum of 6.0/7.0m (8% more than allowed)
- Lot 7, Unit C (low/high) of 6.67/7.27m where the RDC dictates a maximum of 6.0/7.0m (11% more than allowed)
- Lot 12, Unit A (low/high) of 6.57/7.17m where the RDC dictates a maximum of 6.0/7.0m (10% more than allowed)
- Lot 12, Unit B (low/high) of 6.87/7.47m where the RDC dictates a maximum of 6.0/7.0m (15% more than allowed)

Setbacks of Garages and Carports
- All garages to be aligned with the dwelling where the RDC dictates a setback of 0.5m (0m where the RDC dictates 0.5)

Garage Width:
- All garages compromise more than 50% of the frontage width where the RDC dictates less than 50% (Figures not clear but not permitted under RDC)

Landscaping (Deep soil zones(Areas for trees and shrubs)):
- Lot 271 proposed 3.2% be provided as deep soil zones where the RDC dictates 15% (only 20% of the required deep soil zones (for trees/shrubs))
- Lot 7,12 proposed 10.7% be provided as deep soil zones where the RDC dictates 15% (only 70% of the required deep soil zones (for trees/shrubs))

Build Form - Site Works and Retaining Walls:
- Lot 271 (Northern boundary) proposes retaining wall maximum of 1.12m at the boundary when the RDC dictates 0.5m (225% of the allowed height)
- Lot 271 (Eastern boundary) proposes retaining wall maximum of 0.92 at the boundary when the RDC dictates 0.5m (184% of the allowed height)

Built Form Clause 5.19 – Site Works (Privacy):
- Lot 271, Unit F Cone of vision setbacks (bedrooms and studies) 1.4m where the RDC dictates 4.5m (only 30% of the required privacy cone)
- Lot 7, Unit A Cone of vision setbacks (bedrooms and studies) 0m where the RDC dictates 4.5m (0% of the required privacy cone)
- Lot 12, Unit A Cone of vision setbacks (bedrooms and studies) 0m where the RDC dictates 7.5m (0% of the required privacy cone)

PostPosted: Mon Mar 18, 2019 8:42 am 
Site Admin

Joined: Tue Jan 06, 2009 5:53 pm
Posts: 2709
Despite this development breaching many of the design codes the City of Vincent has recommended to approve the development.

They have requested the following conditions be made subject to the approval:

City of Vincent Officer Recommendation:

That the Metro West JDAP resolves to:
1. Approve DAP Application reference DAP/18/01547 and accompanying plans A0.10, A1.00-A1.01, A2.00-A2.02, A2.10, A3.00-A3.02, A3.10 and A3.11 dated 27 February 2019 in accordance with Clause 68 of Schedule 2 (Deemed Provisions) of the Planning and Development (Local Planning Schemes) Regulations 2015, and the provisions of the City of Vincent Local Planning Scheme No. 2 subject to the following conditions:

1. This decision constitutes planning approval only and is valid for a period of two years from the date of approval. If the subject development is not substantially commenced within the two year period, the approval shall lapse and be of no further effect.

2. Visual Privacy
2.1 The major opening to the terrace on Lot 12 Unit A shall be provided with screening with a minimum of 1.6 metres in height in accordance with the requirements of the Residential Design Codes and to the satisfaction of the City. The screening is to prevent overlooking on the adjoining and opposite properties

2.2 The screening shall be shown on the plans submitted for a building permitted and installed prior to the occupation of the dwelling.

3. Boundary Walls
3.1 The owners of the subject land shall finish and maintain the surface of the boundary (parapet) walls in a good and clean condition prior to occupation or use of the development. The finish of the walls are to be fully rendered or face brickwork to the satisfaction of the City.

3.2 Prior to the commencement of development, a schedule of materials and colours for the two storey boundary walls on the eastern and western boundaries of Lot 7 and Y271 shall be submitted to and approved by the City. This shall include a minimum of three different materials, with the finishes to be applied to all of the two storey boundary walls prior to the use or occupation of the development.

4. Schedule of External Finishes
Prior to the commencement of development, a detailed schedule of external finishes (including materials, colour schemes and details) shall be submitted to and approved by the City. The development shall be finished in accordance with the approved schedule prior to the use or occupation of the development.

5. Street Walls and Fencing
All fencing within the front setback area shall be a maximum height of 1.8 metres and be provided with a minimum 50 percent visual permeability above 1.2 metres measured from natural ground level.

6. External Fixtures
All external fixtures and building plant, including air conditioning units, piping, ducting and water tanks, shall be located so as to minimise any visual and noise impact on surrounding landowners, and screened from view from the
street, and surrounding properties to the satisfaction of the City.

7. Car Parking, Access and Bicycle Facilities
7.1 The car parking and access areas shall be sealed, drained, paved and line marked in accordance with the approved plans and are to comply with the requirements of AS2890.1 prior to the occupation or use of the development.

7.2 All vehicle driveway/crossover levels shall match into the existing Right of Way levels to the satisfaction of the City.

7.3 All visitor bays shall be marked and permanently set aside as such, as required by the Residential Design Codes.

7.4 A minimum of 2 bicycle racks shall be designed in accordance with AS2890.3 and installed in accordance with the approved plans to the satisfaction of the City.

8. Stormwater
All stormwater produced on the subject land shall be retained on site, by suitable means to the full satisfaction of the City.

9. Landscaping
9.1 A landscape and reticulation plan for the development site and adjoining road verge to the City’s satisfaction is be lodged with and approved by the City prior to commencement of the development. The plan shall be drawn to a scale of 1:100 and show the following:
- The location and type of existing and proposed trees and plants;
- Areas to be irrigated or reticulated;
- Specifications for the ‘trafficable landscaping’ indicated on Lot 271;
- The provision of a minimum of 12.5 percent of deep soil zone on Lots 7 and 12 and 10 percent deep soil zone on Lot Y271, as defined by the City’s Policy No. 7.1.1 – Built Form; and
- The appropriate selection of tree species (consistent with the City’s Tree Selection Tool) to be located within the deep soil areas to maximise the provision of canopy coverage on Lots 7, 12 and 271.

9.2 All works shown in the plans as identified in Condition 7.1 above shall be undertaken in accordance with the approved plans to the City’s satisfaction, prior to occupancy or use of the development and maintained thereafter to the satisfaction of the City at the expense of the owners/occupiers.

10. Clothes Drying Facilities
Each grouped dwelling shall be provided with a clothes drying area that shall be adequately screened in accordance with the Residential Design Codes, or with mechanical drying, prior to occupancy or use of the development and shall be completed to the satisfaction of the City.

11. Waste Management
11.1 A Waste Management Plan shall be prepared to the satisfaction of the City shall be submitted and approved by the City, outlining that the waste generated by the development shall be collected by a private contractor at the expense of the applicant/landowner.

11.2 Waste management for the development shall thereafter comply with the approved Waste Management Plan.

12. Construction Management Plan
A Construction Management Plan that details how the construction of the development will be managed to minimise the impact on the surrounding area shall be lodged with and approved by the City prior to the commencement of the development. The Construction Management Plan is required to address the following concerns that relate to any works to take place on the site:
- Public safety, amenity and site security;
- Contact details of essential site personnel;
- Construction operating hours;
- Noise control and vibration management;
- Details of any Dilapidation Reports of nearby properties (if undertaken by the applicant);
- Air, sand and dust management;
- Stormwater and sediment control;
- Soil excavation method;
- Waste management and materials re-use;
- Traffic and access management;
- Parking arrangements for contractors and subcontractors;
- Consultation plan with nearby properties; and
- Compliance with AS4970-2009 relating to the protection of trees on the development site.

13. General
Conditions that have a time limitation for compliance, and the condition is not met in the required timeframe, the obligation to comply with the requirements of the condition continues whilst the approved development exists.

Advice Notes
1. This is a development approval only and is issued under the City of Vincent’s Local Planning Scheme No. 2 and the Western Australian Planning Commission s Metropolitan Region Scheme. It is the proponent's responsibility to comply with all other applicable legislation and obtain all required approvals, licences and permits prior to commencement of this development.

2. An Infrastructure Protection Bond together with a non-refundable inspection fee of $100 shall be lodged with the City by the applicant, prior to commencement of works, and will be held until all building/development works have been completed and any disturbance of, or damage to the City’s infrastructure, including reserve and verge trees, has been repaired/reinstated to the satisfaction of the City. An application for the refund of the bond shall be made in writing. The bond is nontransferable

3. The movement of all path users, with or without disabilities, within the road reserve, shall not be impeded in any way during the course of the building works. This area shall be maintained in a safe and trafficable condition and a continuous path of travel (minimum width 1.5m) shall be maintained for all users at all times during construction works. Permits are required for placement of any material within the road reserve.

4. The City accepts no liability for the relocation of any public utility and/or any other services that may be required as a consequence of this development. The applicant/owner shall ensure that the location of all services is identified prior to submitting an application for a building permit. The cost of relocated any services shall be borne by the applicant/owner.

5. The applicant and owner are advised that sufficient parking can be provided on the subject site and as such the City of Vincent will not issue a residential or visitor car parking permit to any owner or occupier of the residential dwellings. This information should be provided to all prospective purchasers and it is recommended that a notice be placed on Sales Contracts to advise purchasers of this restriction.

6. All pedestrian access and vehicle driveway/crossover levels shall match into existing verge, footpath and right of way levels to the satisfaction of the City.

7. With respect to stormwater, no further consideration shall be given to the disposal of stormwater ‘off-site’ without the submission of a geotechnical report from a qualified consultant. Should the approval to dispose of stormwater ‘offsite’ be subsequently provided, detailed design drainage plans and associated calculations for the proposed stormwater disposal shall be lodged together with the building permit application working drawings.

8. With respect to vehicle parking permits, the applicant and owner are advised that sufficient parking can be provided on the subject site and as such the City of Vincent will not issue a residential or visitor car parking permit to any owner or occupier of the residential dwellings. This information should be provided to all prospective purchasers and it is recommended that a notice be placed on Sales Contracts to advise purchasers of this restriction.

9. With respect to waste, the applicant/landowner is advised that should the private waste collection cease and the City be required to collect the waste generated on-site, the applicant/landowner is to liaise with the City in respect to the City’s requirements and specifications. Any alterations made in order to meet the City’s specifications may require an amendment to this approval.

10. Where an approval has so lapsed, no development must be carried out without the further approval of the local government having first been sought and obtained.

11. An applicant or owner is aggrieved by this determination there is a right of review by the State Administrative Tribunal in accordance with the Planning and Development Act 2005 Part 14. An application must be made within 28 days of the determination.

Full DAP Agenda document is available here (Large document 35MB):
/misc/docs/20190318_-_dap_agenda_-_no_2 ... incent.pdf

File comment: Extract from JDAP Agenda (Shows recommendations made by City of Vincent)
20190318 - agenda - no 226 - city of vincent - response.pdf [405.97 KiB]
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