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PostPosted: Mon Mar 13, 2017 2:01 pm 
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From: Brooke Jeffery
Sent: Monday, 27 February 2017 13:06
Subject: SP5629 Back fence

Good morning,

I have had a call from the owner of 74 Carr Street, and have been advised some panels of the dividing fence have fallen down and needs replacing.

Can the council advise if they are happy for me to source quotes to repair/replace, as there are some concerns it may be asbestos.

I can the send the quotes onto the owner as per dividing fences act requires each owner to pay 50 %.

Kind Regards,

Brooke Jeffery on behalf of Jasmine Abraham
Strata Manager

PostPosted: Mon Mar 13, 2017 2:02 pm 
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From: Saxon
Subject: Re: FW: SP5629 Back fence
Date: 27 February 2017 at 12:06:19 pm AWST
To: margaret hansen

Hi Margaret,

I just received a call regarding an issue with the boundary fence, can you provide further details? and photos if possible?

We are more than happy to arrange fence repairs if the fence needs repairing.

I can confirm this fibre cement fence does contain asbestos so please do not do anything to disturb the fence.

Kind Regards,

(on behalf of the owners of The Mews)

PostPosted: Mon Mar 13, 2017 2:04 pm 
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On 28 Feb. 2017 07:53, "margaret hansen" wrote:

Dear Saxon,

I would recommend that you inspect the fence adjoining my property. I would be happy for you to contact me and make a time to inspect the fence from
my property.

As the fence is badly cracked, likely to collapse, and is asbestos it will require urgent attention.


PostPosted: Mon Mar 13, 2017 2:05 pm 
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From: The Mews
Subject: Re: Fwd: SP5629 Back fence
Date: 28 February 2017 at 7:56:59 am AWST
To: margaret hansen

Hi Margaret,

Has something changed recently that you are aware of or are you just looking to have the fence replaced?

Are you wanting to have the entire boundary replaced or just the broken panels?

I am not able to inspect the fence until later in the week so a photo would be very helpful (via email or SMS whatever is easier for you)

Thanks again,


PostPosted: Mon Mar 13, 2017 2:06 pm 
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On 28 Feb. 2017 12:51 pm, "margaret hansen" wrote:

Hi Saxon

I have explained in detail to the Agent, twice.

1.the fence is likely to fall down - Badly damaged (cracks and holes possibly caused by cars bumping into fence and unknown crawling over the fence) and leaning to the apartments side.

2. Where damaged fence needs replacement. I am interested in the safety of my boundary section. I have 2 small dogs
that can get out. I have had to put in makeshift pieces as a safety prevention.

3. Please contact me for a time convenient to both parties, when you can view the damage.

I do not have your phone number as the Agents would not give me this information. Yet you have been given my phone
number and details ,

At 9.15am I was told I would be contacted shortly.

4. I have been told the Agents do not have authority to deal with this matter. Initially I was not told who you were and had to ask
Who was this Saxon contacting me???

I hope we can get this underway soon.

Look forward to hearing from you.


PostPosted: Mon Mar 13, 2017 2:08 pm 
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On 28 February 2017 at 16:12, The Mews wrote:

Hi Margaret,

I am a member of the council of owners and work during the day so I'm not available to come and have a look. We also don't hand out individuals numbers as history shown people circumvent the correct channels.

This section of fence has been cracked and broken for some time and I am trying to ascertain if there has been a recent significant change or if you are just looking to have the fence fixed.

If you could send some photos that would make it much easier for me to work out the specifics of the issue and the locations of the damage.

I will attempt to look at this during the week (most likely Wednesday)

Thanks again,


PostPosted: Mon Mar 13, 2017 2:09 pm 
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On 28 February 2017 at 17:35, margaret hansen wrote:

Hi Saxon

I know the fence has been damaged for sometime. But it is getting significantly dangerous, so .I do want it repaired.

I am unable to send photos and appreciate you attending to the damage at your earliest. Hopefully see you Wednesday.



PostPosted: Mon Mar 13, 2017 2:13 pm 
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On 1 March 2017 at 12:39, The Mews wrote:

Hi Margaret,

I have converted this conversation to a ticket in our ticketing system so it can be further progressed, please respond using the box at the bottom of the ticketing system from this point on (you will have an email from the system - please check your junk mail if you can't find it)

I had a look at the fence last night and can see a section that is propped up.

The digram below shows the area I believe you are referring to, can you please confirm that the section in magenta is the section of fence you would like replaced?

Thanks again,


image.png [ 703.32 KiB | Viewed 21524 times ]
PostPosted: Mon Mar 13, 2017 2:14 pm 
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Date: 2017-03-01 11:59:23
Name: Margaret Hansen

Hi Saxon

Yes my property and the apartment section of the boundaries.

Thank you for attention to this problem.



PostPosted: Mon Mar 13, 2017 2:14 pm 
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Date: 2017-03-01 12:02:58
Name: Saxon

Thanks Margaret,

Would you like me to arrange a quotation or would you prefer to do this? or is there a company you would like us to deal with?

Please note you will need to remove all of the items against the fence before the fence can be replaced.


PostPosted: Mon Mar 13, 2017 2:15 pm 
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Date: 2017-03-03 11:33:50
Name: The Mews

Hi Margaret,

Can you please answer the questions so we can progress this issue.


The Mews

PostPosted: Mon Mar 13, 2017 2:15 pm 
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Date: 2017-03-10 09:59:06
Name: Margaret Hansen

Dear Saxon

I was not aware there was further correspondence from you, as it not come up as a new email.

It would be appreciated if you would kindly refrain from dictating what has to be done on my property. I am well versed in property management.

I had been previously advised that the Mews would be obtaining the quotes.

After your email I have today arranged the quotations to expedite the replacement.

Can we have permission to put up a higher fence either colour bond or other material?



PostPosted: Mon Mar 13, 2017 2:15 pm 
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Date: 2017-03-10 11:53:18
Name: Saxon

Hi Margaret,

Apologies for offending you, I have no way of knowing what you do and don't know and to avoid any issues on installation day I thought it best to be transparent.

With regards to the email notifications; occasionally the emails go to the junk email folder, if this is the case then please make sure you mark the emails as not junk so future updates will go to your inbox. (again sorry if you already know this)

An higher fence will need council planning approval (sorry if you already knew this, please let me know if you want further information)

If you would like us to obtain quotations please let us know.

The requirements that we have for the fence are as follows;
- fencing would need to be either fibre cement or steel (panel and post)
- if steel fencing is used it would need to be in the same colour as is already used in sections of fencing on the west boundary of our property (classic cream in the colorbond brand or closest match in other brands)

Again, sorry if I am telling you something you already know;
if you choose to install a steel fence you should be aware of the following:
- they do not retain soil (allowing for differences in ground level) like the fibre cement fences do.
- animals can get under these fences by removing a small amount of dirt.

To fix both of the above issues I would suggest using plinths, these have been installed on other sections of the same fence line.

Thanks again,


PostPosted: Mon Mar 13, 2017 2:17 pm 
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Date: 2017-03-10 12:23:18
Name: Margaret Hansen

Dear Saxon,

I agree to colour bond fence in cream using plinths so it matches your existing fence.

The quotations are on their way.


PostPosted: Mon Mar 13, 2017 2:17 pm 
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Date: 2017-03-13 11:16:39
Name: The Mews

Hi Margaret,

Thank you for your call, I am sorry to hear that you are dissatisfied with the engagement you have received since making contact 2 weeks ago (27/2)

As discussed the mailing address for correspondence is the Strata Managers address, please note however that we very rarely use mail for correspondence as it slows the the process considerably.

The following is the correspondence so far:

27/2 Margaret phones the Exclusive Strata Management and spoke to Brooke.
27/2 Brooke collected information and passed to the Council of Owners via email.
27/2 COO (Saxon) emailed Margaret asking for further information on the issue and photos if possible.

28/2 Margaret emailed COO and advised the fence was damaged and needed replacement.
28/2 COO (Saxon) emailed Margaret and asked further details (clarifying if Margaret wanted the whole adjoining section replaced or just broken panels)
28/2 Margaret emailed COO and advised further details.
28/2 COO (Saxon) emailed Margaret and advised the COO would need to inspect the fence and this would likely occur Wednesday (1/3)

1/3 COO (Saxon) inspected fence and provided Margaret with a map/sketch of boundary and requested confirmation that the COO where looking at the correct section of fence.
1/3 COO (Saxon) created a help desk ticket and copied current correspondence into the ticket so that it could be more easily tracked by the COO.
1/3 Margaret replied to the ticket confirming that the section of adjoining boundaries on the map provided by the COO was correct.
1/3 COO (Saxon) replied to ticket and asked Margaret a. if she wanted to arrange quotations, b. if there was any company she would like us to engage and c. advised that Margaret would need to arrange the removal of items stacked up against fence.

3/3 COO (Saxon) replied to ticket asking Margaret to provide information requested so we could progress.

10/3 Margaret replied to the ticket and advised she would arrange quotations, requested a higher fence, advised that she was unhappy with a request made in the email and that she was unhappy as she had been advised that we "The Mews" would obtain the quotations.
10/3 COO (Saxon) replied to ticket apologising and advising the standard fence "The Mews" would be happy to install (fibre cement/steel panel and post.) The COO recommended that plinths be installed to deal with the difference in soil level and to protect animals from escaping.
10/3 Margaret replied to the ticket advising she would like the steel fencing and that she agreed to the plinths and the colour that we (the COO) had specified

13/3 Saxon received a phone call from Margaret advising she was unhappy with the engagement and requesting a mailing address. Saxon advised Margaret that there was no address for the building locally and that all mail correspondence should go to the strata manager. Margaret was not happy with this and advised she would call the council and get the address from them. Saxon advised that the council has the same address for contact details.


The Mews

PostPosted: Wed Mar 15, 2017 12:19 pm 
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On 15 March 2017 at 14:33, margaret hansen wrote:

Attention: Jasmine Abraham

Dear Jasmine,

Further to this morning’s telephone conversation I attach the Quotations from Skilled Services for the replacement fences which
is Ms Kronja and my preferred choice.

Also I am attaching an earlier quote from Ian Acott (Jims Fencing) for your information this quote is only for the boundary fence at 74 Carr and
147 Charles. West Perth .

Thank you for your earliest attention to this matter.

Kind regards

Margaret Hansen

Skilled Fencing Quote Hansen .pdf [619.67 KiB]
Downloaded 781 times
Skilled Fencing Quote Kronja.pdf [616.65 KiB]
Downloaded 792 times
Jims QUOTE.pdf [127.2 KiB]
Downloaded 798 times
PostPosted: Wed Mar 22, 2017 8:18 am 
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On 21 March 2017 at 01:18, The Mews wrote:

Hi Margaret,

Hope you are well.

I see you have added 72 Carr to the scope of works, I will have to go back to council and ask for approval for the new scope (I will hopefully be able to obtain a quorum by the end of the week)

I have spoken to skilled (your preferred supplier) and they have advised they can start next week, however they need 50% payment up front which will take me some time to organise. If you would like this done urgently the company will accept up-front payment from yourself and the owner of 72 Carr and payment from us on completion (this is a suggestion to have the work completed as early as possible.)

Please let me know what you want to do.

Thanks again,


PostPosted: Thu Mar 23, 2017 11:43 am 
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From: Rachel Wells
Sent: Thursday, 23 March 2017 10:20 AM
To: Jasmine Abraham
Subject: 74 Carr Street and 147-159 Charles Street - Asbestos Dividing Fence

To the Strata Council of The Mews Apartments:

Good Morning,

Please be advised that the City has recently received a complaint in relation to a dilapidated asbestos dividing fence between 74 Carr Street and 147-159 Charles Street (The Mews). Subsequently, an inspection was conducted at 74 Carr Street to confirm the concerns.

The property owner of 74 Carr St, Mrs Hansen, says that over the past two months she has been in contact with a “Saxon” regarding the concerns. He had advised her to obtain a suitable quote for the removal and replacement of the fence which she has done and to which they came to an agreement. After the inspection it was confirmed that the fence is in quite a damaged and dilapidated condition, and is highly likely to deteriorate as the weather worsens. Given the circumstances, the City has requested that the works be completed within 21 days of receipt of the attached letter. If the works are not able to be completed in this time, please respond either via e-mail or a written letter outlining a reasonable timeline. Please also be advised that disputes regarding dividing fences are to be resolved between property owners, and the City unfortunately does not have the jurisdiction to resolve such matters. However, if both property owners are not able to reach agreement the City offers a free mediation service as outlined in my letter. Alternatively, property owners may apply to the Magistrates Court to decide the matter.

If you need any further information please do not hesitate to contact me and I will be happy to assist where I can.

Kind Regards,

Rachel Wells
City of Vincent

PostPosted: Thu Mar 23, 2017 1:13 pm 
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On 23 March 2017 at 12:48, The Mews wrote:
Hi Rachel,

As discussed by phone;

I am perplexed as to why Margaret has contacted the city given she first made contact with us a little over 3 weeks ago (27-Feb) and the majority of the time taken to negotiate has been spent waiting for Margaret to reply to correspondence and due to Margaret changing her requirements (adding 72 Carr Street to the scope of works)

As an example we are currently waiting for Margaret to reply to an email sent on the Monday night.

Here is a link to the correspondence for your reference:

We can not acknowledge any time lines set by the city as we are awaiting feedback from the other party and therefore have no ability to meet any time lines, however we are (and always have been) happy to negotiate the replacement of the dividing fence.

Thanks again,


PostPosted: Thu Mar 23, 2017 1:16 pm 
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From: margaret hansen
Sent: Thursday, 23 March 2017 12:47 PM
To: Jasmine Abraham
Cc: Marnie Kronja
Subject: Fwd: Fences Quotations

Dear Jasmine

Ms Kronja and I prefer that you pay for the first half and we will pay on the day of completion.


PostPosted: Thu Mar 23, 2017 1:19 pm 
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From: Jasmine Abraham
Date: 23 March 2017 at 16:04
Subject: FW: Fences Quotations
To: Strata Council

Good afternoon,

I received a phone call from Margaret.

She advised that the contractors told her that The Mews would pay for the deposit, I have since re-emailed Margaret to confirm receipt of her correspondence and included Rachel.

Skilled Services have been asked to amend their quotation to include a fibre cement option and colour match the existing fencing around The Mews.


Jasmine Abraham
Strata Manager

PostPosted: Fri Mar 24, 2017 11:55 am 
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Subject: Re: Fences Quotations
To: margaret hansen
Cc: Rachel Wells, Marnie Kronja, Jasmine Abraham

Hi Margaret,

As discussed it takes a little while for us to be able to pay a contractor as they have to be set up in the system and we have to gain authorisation for payment from the body corporate.

Skilled Services (your preferred supplier) have now indicated they are not available to install until after the Easter Break so the urgency to arrange payment is no longer holding up the process.

The colour on the quotes is not "classic cream or the closest available colour" as agreed, in the colorbond range the closest match would be "Domain" - Skilled Services are happy to change the colour but need agreement from yourselves to do this.

Can you let us know your decisions on the following so we can progress:

- Do you still want to use Skilled Services given the delays? I can have a contractor install in a couple of weeks time if that suits you better.
- Are you happy to change the colour to "Domain" (or the closest match) as agreed previously?

Kind Regards,


PostPosted: Fri Mar 24, 2017 11:56 am 
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From: The Mews
Date: 24 March 2017 at 14:08
Subject: Re: Fences Quotations
To: margaret hansen
Cc: Rachel Wells, Marnie Kronja, Jasmine Abraham

Colorbond fencing brochure with colours for reference: ... ochure.pdf

colorbond_steel_fencing_brochure.pdf [1.89 MiB]
Downloaded 773 times
PostPosted: Fri Mar 24, 2017 2:46 pm 
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From: margaret hansen
Date: 24 March 2017 at 16:09
Subject: Fwd: Fences Quotations
To: The Mews
Cc: Marnie Kronja, Rachel Wells, Jasmine Abraham

Hi Saxon,

As a courtesy, I called Skilled Services to explain due to both Marnie and my commitments we require the work to be done before Easter and within the next two weeks, and Good News! They have had a cancellation on the 3rd April and will be able to do job then. This will of course save us all a lot of time. Seeing all parties agreed to the quotes. Skilled Services have already forwarded the necessary paperwork to Exclusive Strata Management and of course this is easily set up in the system.

Jacinta has held this spot provisionally for us but of course she will all need an email confirmation from you or Exclusive Strata by Monday 27th March and your deposit payment prior to installation by 31st March Seeing you have had the quotes since the 15th March I’m sure you will not further delay and obtain a quick authorisation.

In respect to the colour the Company colour matched the fence in my presence and it was Summershade. I am as I’m sure you understand that colour matches on cards from the internet are somewhat misrepresented.

I have discussed the above with Marnie and she has agreed to this proposal

I look forward to hearing from you.



PostPosted: Fri Mar 24, 2017 2:50 pm 
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From: The Mews
Date: 24 March 2017 at 17:45
Subject: Re: Fences Quotations
To: margaret hansen
Cc: Marnie Kronja, Rachel Wells, Jasmine Abraham

Hi Margaret,

Whilst we can try and have payment approved and processed quickly I cannot make any guarantees, as discussed previously If yourself and Ms Kronja want this work completed quickly I would suggest that the two of you put up the 50% deposit. We will do what we can however I still don't have body corporate approval for the additional costs involved with 72 Carr St, and even after this is approved we still need to have the work request raised and the payment processed.

Before any of the above can happen we need to resolve the following outstanding items.

Acceptance of statement of work/quotations:
  • Pending formal acceptance by us (The owners of The Mews / 147 Charles Street / sp5629)
  • 72 Carr Street - Addition to SoW (added 15/3)
Colour of materials
  • Pending agreement between parties - I will discuss with the body corporate, however I believe our requirement will still be the closest match to "colorbond classic cream" which is "Domain" in any non-colorbond materials as this is what has been used previously along the same boundary (as you can appreciate we do not want different colours all down the fence line)
Agreement from us to pay 50% of additional uplift from a "standard dividing fence"
  • uplift from a standard dividing fence as defined by the dividing fences act.
  • inclusion of additional components (plinths) to keep animals/soil inside boundary.
My intention with the uplift is to ask the body corporate to approve 50/50 payment for the entire scope of works.

Thanks again,


PostPosted: Mon Apr 17, 2017 1:09 pm 
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From: The Mews
Date: 17 April 2017 at 13:07
Subject: Re: Fences Quotations
To: margaret hansen , Marnie Kronja
Cc: Rachel Wells (CoV), Jasmine Abraham (ESM), Hao Tran (CoV)

Hi Margaret & Marnie,

Apologies for the delays, we are now in a position to progress this item further.

I will be presenting your proposal at the strata meeting next Wednesday and should have a definitive answer for you by the end of the week.

After approval and agreement of scope it will take approximately 1 week to organise payment and then we can schedule the work in with the fencing company.

Please note; the times above are estimates only and are subject to change. If there are any further distractions (eg further engagement with CoV by yourselves), this will introduce further delays and we will not be able to keep to the times above (obviously I would prefer to be resolving the issue rather than wasting further time discussing with other parties)

For your reference, this is the time line of events so far:

27/2 Margaret phoned Exclusive Strata Management and spoke to Brooke.
27/2 Brooke collected information and passed to the Council of Owners via email.
27/2 COO (Saxon) emailed Margaret asking for further information on the issue and photos if possible.

28/2 Margaret emailed COO and advised the fence was damaged and needed replacement.
28/2 COO (Saxon) emailed Margaret and asked further details (clarifying if Margaret wanted the whole adjoining section replaced or just broken panels)
28/2 Margaret emailed COO and advised further details (Margaret declined to send photos.)
28/2 COO (Saxon) emailed Margaret and advised the COO would need to inspect the fence and this would likely occur Wednesday (1/3)

1/3 COO (Saxon) inspected fence and provided Margaret with a map/sketch of boundary and requested confirmation that the COO where looking at the correct section of fence.
1/3 COO (Saxon) created a help desk ticket and copied current correspondence into the ticket so that it could be more easily tracked by the COO.
1/3 Margaret replied to the ticket confirming that the section of adjoining boundaries on the map provided by the COO was correct.
1/3 COO (Saxon) replied to ticket and asked Margaret a. if she wanted to arrange quotations, b. if there was any company she would like us to engage and c. advised that Margaret would need to arrange the removal of items stacked up against fence.

3/3 COO (Saxon) replied to ticket asking Margaret to provide information requested so we could progress.

10/3 Margaret replied to the ticket and advised she would arrange quotations, requested a higher fence, advised that she was unhappy with a request made in the email and that she was unhappy as she had been advised that we "The Mews" would obtain the quotations.
10/3 COO (Saxon) replied to ticket apologising and advising the standard fence "The Mews" would be happy to install (fibre cement/steel panel and post.) The COO recommended that plinths be installed to deal with the difference in soil level and to protect animals from escaping.
10/3 Margaret replied to the ticket advising she would like the steel fencing and that she agreed to the plinths and the colour that we (the COO) had specified

13/3 Saxon received a phone call from Margaret advising she was unhappy with the engagement and requesting a mailing address. Saxon advised Margaret that there was no address for the building locally and that all mail correspondence should go to the strata manager. Margaret was not happy with this and advised she would call the council (City of Vincent) and get the address from them. Saxon advised that the council has the same address for contact details.

15/3 Margaret supplied quotations

20/3 Saxon emailed Margaret and regarding the addition of 72 Carr St to the scope of work and advised that the scope would need to be re-approved as it had changed. Saxon advised Margaret that it could take some time to arrange payment and suggested that if there was a level of urgency for Margaret that she could pay the 50% deposit as this would allow the work to start.

23/3 The Mews received notice from the City of Vincent that a complaint had been made and that "Mrs Hansen" had advised she had been trying to have the issue resolved for "two months" - at the time this notice was received not even 4 weeks had passed since the initial engagement.

24/3 Margaret emailed advising that she preferred "The Mews" to cover the deposit payment.
24/3 Saxon spoke to skilled fencing and they advised they were not available to perform installation until after Easter (14-17 April)
24/3 Saxon emailed advising the delay and asked if she would like to use another contractor - also asked about colour.
24/3 Margaret advised skilled were available on the 3/4
24/3 Saxon emailed re-iterating the delays in "The Mews" being solely responsible for the payment of the deposit.

17/4 Saxon emailed advising that the matter would be presented for approval at the strata council meeting on Wednesday 19/4 and that he would provide an answer by 21/4.

Thanks again,


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