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 Post subject: 2015 AGM - November 24th
PostPosted: Tue Jun 16, 2015 11:48 am 
Site Admin

Joined: Tue Jan 06, 2009 5:53 pm
Posts: 2709
The Annual General Meeting (AGM) will be held on Tuesday 24th November 2015 at 5:30pm.

The Venue for the meeting is:
Exclusive Strata Management
17/443 Albany Highway
Victoria Park

If you are unable to attend the AGM for any reason please make sure you fill out a proxy form and fax/email it back to the strata manager.
The proxy form is available here : /proxy

The Financial Summary for the last financial year is available here: /viewtopic.php?t=906

The Detailed Financial Report for the last financial year is available here:

PostPosted: Thu Nov 05, 2015 11:07 am 
Site Admin

Joined: Tue Jan 06, 2009 5:53 pm
Posts: 2709
File comment: 2015 AGM Notice and Agenda
20151106_AGMNoticeAgenda_Final.pdf [724.27 KiB]
Downloaded 506 times
File comment: 2015 AGM Council Report
20151106_CouncilReport.pdf [93.54 KiB]
Downloaded 486 times

Notice is hereby given that the annual general meeting of the above strata company will be held at the office of Exclusive Strata Management, Suite 15, 443 Albany Highway, Victoria Park
on Tuesday, 24 November 2015, commencing at 5:30PM.

Registration from 5PM

This notice Is Issued pursuant to the by-laws of the strata company, on 4 November 2015 being not less than 14 days prior to the holding of the meeting.

The attention of proprietors is drawn to the following documents enclosed with this combined notice and agenda for this meeting:
  • 1. Statement of accounts for period 1/10/2014 to 30/09/2015
  • 2. Copy of certificate of currency, important insurance information and strata company manager's disclosure statement
  • 3. Proposed strata company by-laws
  • 4. Budget of estimated expenditure from the administrative fund and provision for reserve fund for period 1/10/2015 to 30/09/2016
  • 5. Forms of specific and enduring proxy
  • 6. Information in respect to nomination and election of members of the council
Registration of proprietors and proxy holders
Verification of valid proxies received
Verification of those eligible to vote and personally present
Record those present by invitation
Record any apologies received

Confirmation by the strata company manager of an enabling quorum being present, that the meeting Is properly constituted and may proceed to the conduct of business.
(Or that it is adjourned one week hence)

Meeting Agenda

  • 1. Appointment of chairman for the meeting
    -Only required If the chairman of the council is unavailable or unwilling to act.
  • 2. Confirmation of previous minutes
    -Minutes of the last general meeting have previously been distributed to proprietors.
    Motion under notice -
    (a) That the previously circulated minutes of the general meeting held on 20 November 2014 be confirmed as a true record of those proceedings.
    (b) Consideration of any matters arising from the minutes not otherwise provided for by this agenda.
  • 3. Consideration of statement of accounts
    -A copy of which is attached to this notice.
    (Questions of a financial nature should be notified to the strata company not later than 3 business days prior to the meeting.)
    Motion under notice -
    That the statement of accounts for the period 1/10/2014 to 30/09/2015, showing an amount of $20,001.31 net owners' funds, be adopted as presented.
  • 4. Constitution of the council
    Motion under notice -
    4.1 That the council of the strata company consist of 3 proprietors.
    4.2 Chairman to call for nominations of candidates for election to the council;
    And, If required will,
    4.3 Conduct a ballot to elect members of the council.
  • 5. Changes to Schedule 1 by-laws
    Motion under notice -
    That by resolution without dissent the by-laws in Schedule 1 to the Strata Titles Act, 1985, as they apply to the strata company are added to as follows:
    New Schedule 1 by-law 8(2)(d)
    8(2)(d) The Council may, by agreement of an absolute majority of its members, conduct a meeting of the Council by telephone, audio-visual or other agreed electronic means or any combination of these by which continuous communication is maintained between such of its members as constitutes a quorum under the bylaws.

    Motion under notice -
    That by resolution without dissent the by-laws in Schedule 1 to the Strata Titles Act, 19851 as they apply to the strata company are added to as follows:
    New Schedule 1 By-law 18
    18. Fire Prevention Equipment
    18.1 The Proprietor of each lot shall at the Proprietor's expense;
    a) ensure smoke alarms are installed within the lot and maintained in good working order including ensuring back-up batteries are regularly replaced and remain charged at all times.
    b) ensure smoke alarms installed within the lot are compliant with "Building Regulations" as published by the Department of Commerce.
  • 6. Insurance
    -A copy of certificate of currency, important insurance information and strata company manager's disclosure statement is attached to this notice.
    Motion under notice -
    That the council be directed to renew the current insurance policy prior to its expiry date in such sums as are suggested by the insurer or as are recommended by qualified professional advisors.
  • 7. Consideration of budget of estimated expenditure from the administrative fund
    -A copy of which is attached to this notice.
    Motion under notice -
    That the budget of estimated expenditure from the administrative fund GST inclusive for the period 1/10/2015 to 30/09/20161 amounting to $111,889.80 be adopted.
  • 8. Determination of the levy of contributions for the period 1/01/2016 to 31/12/2016
    Motion under notice -
    That the levy of contributions on proprietors for the administrative fund be payable in advance, inclusive of GST, by installments due and payable in the amounts and on the dates as shown below:
    - $154.00 per unit entitlement 1st January 2016,
    - $154.00 per unit entitlement 1st April 2016,
    - $154.00 per unit entitlement 1st July 2016,
    - $154.00 per unit entitlement 1st October 2016,
    - to raise a total of $114,576.00 in the financial year,

    that the levy of contributions on proprietors for the reserve fund be payable in advance, inclusive of GST, by instalments due and payable In the amounts and on the dates as shown below:
    - $10.00 per unit entitlement 1st January 2016,
    - $10.00 per unit entitlement 1st April 2016,
    - $10.00 per unit entitlement 1st July 2016,
    - $10.00 per unit entitlement 1st October 2016,
    - to raise a total of $7,440.00 in the financial year.
  • 9. General Matters with notice for discussion

    Modifications to Common Property:
    Owners are reminded that ANY modifications to common property must be approved in writing by the Strata Council, this includes any modifications to the plumbing ducts or hot water systems. Owners are also reminded that if approvals have been granted for modifications in the past, any replacement or upgrades of modified items must be re-approved.
    Note that common property Includes: external walls/windows/doors, the entire balcony area, walkways and the entire plumbing duct. /modifications

    Electric Hot Water Systems:
    Due to the limitations in the electrical supply to the building electrical hot water systems are not permitted to be installed, If electrical systems have been approved by the strata company in the past, they may not be replaced and must be converted to gas. The strata company has Investigated the option of upgrading the power supply to the complex and all units and found this to be extremely expensive and cost prohibitive.

    Email Correspondence:
    The Strata Company is now using email to send out updates and meeting notices, if you would like to join the mailing list please go to the following web address and enter your details: /update.

    ATCO Gas works:
    ATCO GAS AUSTRALIA has informed the strata company that they will be replacing the underground gas supply piping at the complex during the coming weeks. This work is scheduled to start around the 19th of November and should complete in early December. /viewtopic.php?t=511
  • 10. Matters without notice for discussion and referral to the council
    Note: Such matters may only be raised at the discretion of the chair and with leave of the meeting.
  • 11. Close of meeting

PostPosted: Tue Dec 22, 2015 8:14 am 
Site Admin

Joined: Tue Jan 06, 2009 5:53 pm
Posts: 2709
20151222_AGM2015_Minutes.pdf [178.38 KiB]
Downloaded 463 times
20151222_AGM2015_Budget.pdf [15.21 KiB]
Downloaded 475 times

Held at the office of Exclusive Strata Management, Suite 15, 443 Albany Highway, Victoria Park on Tuesday, 24 November 2015 at 5:30pm.
  • 1. Appointment of chairman for the meeting
    On a motion moved by Saxon M it was resolved that Jasmine Abraham be authorised to act as chairman of the strata company for the purpose of the meeting.
    The chairman declared the meeting open at 5:40pm.
  • 2. Confirmation of previous minutes
    On a motion moved by Ian H and seconded by Kate B it was resolved that the previously circulated minutes of the general meeting held on 20 November 2014 be confirmed as a true record of those proceedings.
    Matters arising from the previous minutes
  • 3. Consideration of statement of accounts
    On a motion moved by Ian H and seconded by Sekularac T it was resolved that the statement of accounts for the period 1/10/2014 to 30/09/2015 showing an amount of $20,001.31 net owners' funds, be adopted as presented.
  • 4. Constitution of the council
    4.1 On a motion moved by Saxon M and seconded by Tony G it was resolved that the council of the strata company consist of 4 proprietors.
    4.2 The following candidates were nominated:
    ~ Saxon M
    ~ Jennifer M
    ~ Sean S
    ~ Danny H
    The above 4 candidates were duly elected to the council.
  • 5. Annual report of the chairman
    On a motion moved by Kate B and seconded by Benita N it was resolved that the annual report of the chairman was received.
  • 6. Changes to Schedule 1 by-laws
    On a motion moved by Ian H and seconded by Sekularac T it was resolved that by resolution without dissent the by-laws in Schedule 1 to the Strata Titles Act, 1985, as they apply to the strata company are added to as follows:
    New Schedule 1by-law8(2)(d)
    8(2)(d) The Council may, by agreement of an absolute majority of its members, conduct a meeting of the Council by telephone, audio-visual or other agreed electronic means or any combination of these by which continuous communication is maintained between such of its members as constitutes a quorum under the by-laws.

    The chairman confirmed that sufficient notice of the motion had been given and that a sufficient quorum was present at the time of voting.

    The following lots voted in favour of the resolution: lot 1, 4, 7, 8, 9, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 20, 21, 22, 23, 25, 26, 29, 30, 32, 33, 34, 36, 37, 38, 40, 41, 42, 43, 46, 48, 49, 51, 52, 54

    There were no opposing votes.
    The chairman declared the resolution to have passed as a resolution without dissent.

    Motion under notice -
    On a motion moved by Tony G and second by Ian H it was resolved that without dissent the by-laws in Schedule 1 to the Strata Titles Act, 1985, as they apply to the strata company are added to as follows:
    New Schedule 1 By-law 18
    18. Fire Prevention Equipment
    18.1 The Proprietor of each lot shall at the Proprietor's expense;
    a) ensure smoke alarms are installed within the lot and maintained in good working order including ensuring back-up batteries are regularly replaced and remain charged at all times.
    b) ensure smoke alarms installed within the lot are compliant with the "Building Regulations" as published by the Department of Commerce.

    The chairman confirmed that sufficient notice of the motion had been given and that a sufficient quorum was present at the time of voting.

    The following lots voted in favour of the resolution: lot 1, 4, 7, 8, 9, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 20, 21, 22, 23, 25, 26, 29, 30, 32, 33, 34, 36, 37, 38, 40, 41, 42, 43, 46, 48, 49, 51, 52, 54

    There were no opposing votes.
    The chairman declared the resolution to have passed as a resolution without dissent.
  • 7. Insurance
    On a motion moved by Ian H and seconded by Michael C it was resolved that the council be directed to renew the current insurance policy prior to its expiry date in such sums as are suggested by the insurer or as are recommended by qualified professional advisors.
  • 8. Consideration of budget of estimated expenditure from the administrative fund
    On an amended motion moved by Ian H and seconded by Tony G it was resolved that the budget of estimated expenditure from the administrative fund GST inclusive for the period 1/10/2015 to 30/09/2016 amounting to $118,889.80 be adopted.

    Note: A copy of the amended budget is enclosed with these minutes.
  • 9. Determination of the levy of contributions for the period 1/01/2016 to 31/12/2016
    On a motion moved by Ian H and seconded by Michael C it was resolved that the levy of contributions on proprietors for the administrative fund be payable in advance, inclusive of GST, by installments due and payable in the amounts and on the dates as shown below:

    $154.00 per unit entitlement 1st January 2016,
    $154.00 per unit entitlement 1st April 2016,
    $154.00 per unit entitlement 1st July 2016,
    $154.00 per unit entitlement 1st October 2016,

    to raise a total of $114,576.00 in the financial year,


    that the levy of contributions on proprietors for the reserve fund be payable in advance, inclusive of GST, by installments due and payable in the amounts and on the dates as shown below:

    $10.00 per unit entitlement 1st January 2016,
    $10.00 per unit entitlement 1st April 2016,
    $10.00 per unit entitlement 1st July 2016,
    $10.00 per unit entitlement 1st October 2016,

    to raise a total of $7,440.00 in the financial year.
  • 10. Matters without notice for discussion and referral to the council
    (a) Pedestrian Gate: Rebecca L noted that the closing a pedestrian gate may be a fire hazard, Saxon M discussed security issues and history with those present and it was decided that the Council of Owners will investigate and ensure fire evacuation requirements are not impeded by the closure of gates for security reasons.

    (b) Smoking: Rebecca L noted that she had observed people smoking on the common property and often smelled cigarette smoke within the unit. The council of owners confirmed there was an Alcohol, Drug and Tobacco by-law. Rebecca L was advised to forward a formal complaint for the Council of Owners

    (c) Water Leak Detection: Notice of utility service disruptions will be provided to all residents before each scheduled shut down.
  • 11. Close of meeting
    There being no further business the meeting closed at 6:35pm.

Addenda to minutes:
Following the meeting, there were no further expressions of support or opposition to the resolutions passed in respect of item 6. Item 6 became unconditional on 22nd November 2015.

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